Stopping By For a Radio Interview

That tag line sounds familiar… that guitar riff even more so… that’s your song! The dream is to hear your song on the radio. Windows down, speakers blaring, and you’ve made it. Could it be as simple as sending out emails to get a spot for an on-air performance at a local radio station? It is that simple.


Why Radio Publicity?

Hearing your song on the radio is great, but why couldn’t you be in the studio singing it yourself? Along with intentional strategy implemented in your touring pitch plan, there should be publicity to accompany it. With each stop on the tour, or even to fill in a gap day, stops at local radio stations, record stores, and morning shows can turn an average tour into a pivotal move in your career.  Having effective publicity is all too important for promoting your music and running your business.

Local radio is great to make connections with your local audience, but also your local industry. It connects your market that you have intentionally targeting on social media, and streamlines that engagement toward the show you will be performing that night. Along with keeping up that engagement, you will be establishing amazing relationships with radio personnel that have invaluable information and wisdom. Radio will help you make moves, both towards industry connections and fan connections.

Radio interviews have to be easier than job interviews, right?

3 Easy Steps TO PreparE for Going On-Air:

1.       Know your music. You think you would know all facets of the music you created after you have poured blood, sweat, and tears into it. However, all that you poured into the songs needs to be clearly communicated to an audience that knows little of it. So, have your thoughts formulated on each song about what it means, how it fits the album, and how it fits your journey as a musician.

2.       Know yourself. Know how you interact with people and how you handle things impromptu. It’s best to be prepared. You know yourself better than anyone, but the key is to communicate your ideas about your music and your mission to an audience.

3.       Know to be a good hang. This step is as easy as those emails you send out to book a radio interview! Being a good hang, having fun, and establishing those relationships leads to more opportunities for your next tour!

In short, reach out to local radio as you tour from city to city and request an interview or on-air performance. This will build momentum toward your performance that night, keep you on track towards building a larger pull in that market, and create a warm welcome for your music the next time you come around!

In fact, go visit Zero to 60 by AGD partner Lightning 100—based out of Nashville—and submit a song for review or a press interview! Ask about coming in for an interview and see if you can come say hi to the team!

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